Monday, July 15, 2013

ABAD Day 7: The Business Brew

One week! Yaay!

Today will be short and sweet since I am really dead tired but I'm just so excited about a brewing business idea. I always wanted one and well, I think this might just be it. The long wait is over. You might ask me if I think this is a bit too early, well it might me be and you're probably right but if we never take the risk and hustle to get something off the ground, chances are the momentum will pass and we might never have the right time again to get great fantastic ideas out of the drawing board and into execution.

Thinking big is a great thing most success stories did not happen by accident. The opportunities may have been unexpected but most successful people dreamt and thought  big. So, I'm taking a big slice to take on that big cake of business and hopefully my beginnings is enough to be shared to everyone.

Now this isn't gonna be something that shoots off then falls down. I want something that's built to last so last which is why I'm calling on everyone on my network for thoughts and input to make sure the business model will be effective and that we really have the right market for it. The thing with research and all that preparation to get it right is we sometimes overdo it taking the biggest risk of all and that is missing the moment.

The lessons we learn on how tech startups build their business is a great reminder that no plan should be cast in stone and that w should be willing and quick when we intend to do something because aside from missing the right moment, the next risk is having someone create and introduce the same product or service that you are offering.

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