
Hi there! Thanks for dropping by!

Bethylicious is a moniker given by a dear friend from work. Sometimes she called me Bethyfull. I guess the name stuuck with me because it sounded bubbly and fun (to me, at least) and because I'm your average girl with an above average curiosity and extraordinary zest for life...and the rest is Bethy history. 

I love learning, reading, writing, living. I like books, dogs, water, travels and cooking.

Service is my calling and while I have yet to do it in a way I planned, I believe destiny has better things in store for me. Currently taking up my doctorate degree, I juggle work, studies and building a business. Its quite a handful but I'm learning to manage because I am equally committed to each of them. 

By committed, I meant: I believe in what I am doing and I won't be doing them if I don't intend to keep going till I hit the finish line (if there is one) or hit all the goals.Commitment is pretty much like success, it requires hard work, plenty of hard work. 

So, who is Bethylicious?

I am a writer not of books (yet) but of blogs and poems.

I am an entrepreneur (of all sorts) in a quest for true financial freedom.

I am a thirty-something who is on a journey to health and wellness.

I am a student who longs to learn and live a life of meaning.

I am someone who has fears, doubts and blunders. I am somebody just like you. 

Chase your dreams, face your fears. Live larger than life. #BeginToday 


P.S. Drop me a line or two at I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Commitments? I don't believe in making them without the intent of keeping them. >>> so true...i miss you gurl...

    1. I miss you too...funny when you we're in QC we got saw each other. Now, you've been here in Cavite forever, we haven't found time to hang out.
