Thursday, July 11, 2013

ABAD Day 3: You're a Done Deal, Now HUSTLE!

Hello day 3!

It took a long time coming up with this post because believe it or not, the problem had been choosing what to write! Oh yeah, next of course to finding the time to write. :)

Anyways, I've been hearing a lot about B School from a client but it was not until yesterday that I stumbled upon Marie Forleo and bam! I immediately fell in love - not with her but with her work and I see why people follow her. Her candid and witty approach to business and life is something that not only catches people's attention but she knows her business and that's what keeps the community tuned in. Clearly, her being a thought leader has built her a loyal following, a tribe capable of growing itself.

And, it just hit me..I'd like to be a thought leader too! :)

Going back to Marie, after watching one video, I signed up on her and got this nice little update earlier - an interview with Danielle LaPorte another mentor I've been hearing about. Marie was raving about Danielle's book called Fire Starter Sessions.

A quick takeaway from the program is reaffirming that we are a done deal. They talked about the power of visualization and how it can help us take our vision into the next level - from being a vision into a reality. Visualizing helps us identify what we want to do after we have achieved success and in a way it triggers a reverse engineering process from what to do when you are successful (as one envisioned) to how to get there and be successful.

Our visions are powerful things. Every person who went down in history had one - equality for Mandela, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, charity for Mother Teresa, financial literacy and freedom for Buffett, a dent in the universe for Steve Jobs, a PC in every home for Bill Gates and Facebook for everyone for Zuckerburg. This vision is what they had their mind when they set out to change the world. One of Covey's 7 Habits: Begin with the end in mind.

The end we have in mind determines the words we choose to tell ourselves and eventually believe. As Sean Stephenson said, the words we say to ourselves then shapes and creates our realities. So we ought to consciously pick the words to describe our vision.

Again, what I offered in the first half of this post are the theories - the ones preached by some best-selling guys. However, there is another approach that uses visualization successfully and these are done by some of the most logical brains around - IT people!

Most tech start ups come up with programs, products and solutions with a complete vision and definition of what they want it to do or achieve and go from one place to another asking for funding and selling the product as they are building it. For them, they can sell the idea for a projected monetary value that they then need to build and make a reality.

What I'm getting at is seeing ourselves as a done deal - of having a meaningful vision of what we want to accomplish as it will empower us and direct all our productive energies in hustling to make that vision a reality, nothing more and nothing less. The power comes from knowing that there is a likelihood, a possibility that we might end up living the life we want and changing the world.

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