Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Confessions from the depths of the mind of an INSOMNIAC...A Prologue

Yes, unfortunately we are looking at the familiar sorry state of my being: Another stupid sleepless night! BIATCH!!! Been like this again for the past three weeks…don’t really know what triggered it this time…feels like I’ve been cursed and all hell has broken lose…another damn sleepless night.

Looks like my tricks are failing me this time – had sleep management been in the curriculum, I would be flunking out with a very loud thud! I just don’t know what’s keeping me awake these days anymore…just when I finally have all the time to get a good night’s rest…Don’t you just hate it?

Thoughts just keep on jumping in and out of my head till about 3 to 2 hours before dawn. Frankly, its hell! Simply put, it’s just that: hell. Turning about in my bed; channel surfing on cable; switching from one radio station to another; movie marathons; reading blank on empty pages (well, don’t take it literally!); am even seriously considering taking up my brother on getting a Broadband; writing…pretty much just like now.

All the while you realize that the root of the problem is you! You are simply drowning in your own thoughts and emotions – hopes and worries, joys and fears, inspirations and frustrations, achievements and failures…Precisely like dreaming and having a nightmare all at the same time. More than once, I’ve asked myself: Am I going crazy? It seems to be the only rational way to characterize this entire affair: INSANITY.

Then by some divine intervention, you fall into that spell and get into that trance; you capture that very much sought after elusive sleep…Sweet, precious, priceless: SLEEP.

Sadly, quoting Keanu Reeves on Constantine, “There’s always a catch.” Before you get into that deep sleep stage or even near REM stage, half a dozen alarm clocks will buzz you back to existence from the depths of your reverie…And so another day begins in my so-called life! Not a-la Claire Danes…she’s not in my fave celebs’ list…doesn’t even come close! Lucid interval? No, not really. Plain and simple, it’s called REALITY!

So then I ask myself, “What keeps me goin’?” Only that deserves to be a topic of another exposition…maybe I’ll give you the answer tomorrow or some other day. Right now my eyelids are drooping…CIAO!

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